Apollo God

Apollo was one of the most revered gods in ancient Greek mythology. As the son of Zeus and Leto, and the twin brother of Artemis, Apollo had many important roles. He was the god of music, healing, light, and prophecy. The Greeks believed that Apollo lived on Mount Olympus, along with the other 12 main gods. Eventually, the Romans also worshipped Apollo.

Apollo had several symbols that were sacred to him. These included the laurel tree, the dolphin, and the crow. The laurel tree was especially important to Apollo, as it was said to be the tree where he bestowed his oracle, or prediction of the future, at the famous Temple of Apollo in Delphi.

Legend has it that Apollo slew a giant snake named Python in one of his earliest feats. With his silver bow and golden arrows, Apollo defeated Python at the very site where the Temple of Apollo was later built. This victory solidified Apollo’s position as the god of prophecy.

Apollo was also known for his musical talents. His lyre, a stringed instrument, was given to him by the god Hermes. Apollo became skilled at playing the lyre and often used his music to charm the other gods

Apollo God Facts For Kids

  • Apollo is the son of Zeus and Leto.
  • Twin brother to Artemis, the moon goddess.
  • God of music, poetry, and art.
  • Represented by the lyre and laurel.
  • Rode a golden chariot as sun god.
  • Delphi was his primary oracle site.
  • Had a son named Asclepius, a healer god.
  • Daphne turned into a laurel fleeing him.
  • Killed Python, a Delphi serpent monster.
  • Celebrated in the Pythian Games.

Apollo’s early life

Born on the floating island of Delos, Apollo’s birth was an event. Just days after birth, a powerful Titan gave him magical sustenance, making him grow faster, and highlighting his early divinity. There were 12 original Titans, according to Greek mythology.

Apollo was the god of music, poetry, art, medicine, archery, prophecy, dance, reason, and light. He was also the leader of the Muses, the nine goddesses of the arts. He was known for his amazing skills as an archer and his ability to bring healing and light to the world.

Attributes of Apollo

Apollo is a well-known god from Greek stories. Besides being known for music and poetry, he was also known for his golden lyre and a special staff with a snake wrapped around it, symbolizing healing. This symbol is still recognized today, especially in medicine.

Twin sister Artemis

Apollo had a twin sister named Artemis. They were both children of Zeus and Leto. While Apollo spread daylight with his arrows, Artemis used hers to hunt in the forests. They represent different aspects of life, showing the balance in the world.

The Oracle of Delphi

A famous place in Greece, the Oracle of Delphi, was a spot where Apollo was believed to communicate his wisdom. The Pythia, a priestess, conveyed Apollo’s messages to the people. This place was once guarded by a snake named Python until Apollo claimed it for himself.

Apollo’s conflicts and interactions

While he had many tales, some of the most notable were his interactions with his twin Artemis and Cassandra. These stories reflect the complexities of relationships, emotions, and the unpredictable nature of gods.


Some tales speak of Apollo’s might. As a newborn, he defended his mother, Leto, from Python, a menacing snake. Another time, he competed in a music contest against Marsyas, punishing him harshly upon winning.

The Trojan War and Apollo

In the Trojan War, Apollo played a crucial role. He favored the Trojans and even assisted Paris in striking down the Greek hero, Achilles, emphasizing his formidable presence in Greek tales.

Cultural and historical significance

Beyond mythology, Apollo’s influence was extensive. Statues of him, symbolizing the ideal youth, dotted Greek cities. His legacy endures through the ages, with mentions in modern literature and music. His connection to the Oracle of Delphi also indicates his vast importance in guiding ancient Greek leaders.

Comparison with other sun deities

Different cultures have their sun gods. In Egypt, it’s Ra, who symbolizes creation. The Romans worshiped Sol. Interestingly, Japan has a sun goddess, Amaterasu, known for her compassion, contrasting with Apollo’s multifaceted nature. This shows how cultures around the world have unique interpretations of the sun and its deities.

Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece, with its rich tapestry of myths and legends, reveres Apollo as a deity of profound influence. As the god of music, prophecy, and healing, Apollo embodied many of the ideals and aspirations of Greek society.

Temples dedicated to him, notably the Oracle of Delphi, were centers of spiritual guidance and cultural exchange. His stories intertwined with the lives of mortals and immortals, mirroring the complexities of the human experience and the ancient Greek pursuit of knowledge and artistic expression.